by Michal Rybár | 5 June, 2019 | Tinkering School Bratislava, Tinkering School Bratislava, Tinkering School Bratislava
Po Škole majstrovania prišlo veľa pozitívnych ohlasov od rodičov, pedagógov aj návštevníkov stránky. Naše nenápadné letné vyvádzanie s deťmi si všimli aj redaktori televízie LUX. Dostali sme s deťmi pozvanie do programu Doma je doma. Okrem mňa a Juraja...
by Rastislav Geschwandtner | 6 December, 2012 | Hudobné nástroje
Jeden z vydarených projektov, ktoré sme robili minulý rok s deťmi na krúžku majstrovania bola kalimba. Kalimba je jednoduchý tradičný africký hudobný nástroj. Je to v podstate len niekoľko kovových lamiel rôznej dĺžky pripevnených k drevenej...
by Rastislav Geschwandtner | 28 August, 2012 | Uncategorized
Well, here it is. The very last day of this year’s Tinkering School Bratislava. We have done two weeks of projects, designing, building and tinkering. Kids have a single day left during which they should finish the Time Machine project from...
by Rastislav Geschwandtner | 26 August, 2012 | Tinkering School Bratislava
Kids arrived for Day 11 of the Tinkering School packed more than usually. Tents, pads, sleeping bags, … Yes, tonight we are not going home. We have a sleepover. We are going to do some tinkering during the day, have a picknick in the evening, play with lights at...
by Rastislav Geschwandtner | 25 August, 2012 | Uncategorized
I’m happy to announce that we have survived our yesterday’s camping a today we successfully finished this year’s Tinkering School Bratislava. All the tinkerers have survived and they are back in the beds tonight. However, we are a few days behind...